Hopkins Symposium (Ongoing)


The Hopkins symposium honours Dr Ian Hopkins, the first trained paediatric neurologist in Australia and founder of the symposium.  The symposium has been run annually since 1979. It is designed primarily for general paediatricians, and aims to cover practical topics in paediatric neurology.   

The 2024 Hopkins symposium will be on Wednesday 6th March 2024. This year we will offer both in person and online virtual attendance. Please register for joining instructions.  There is no registration fee. 

Intended audience: General Paediatricians

Total time:  4 hours

Cost:  Free

Registration: via Eventbrite  - Click here to register

CPD points:  equivalent to 4 hours

Refund eligibility:  N/A

Contact: neurology.department@rch.org.au

Course administrator: Eunice Chan