
Welcome to The Education Hub Online Learning Platform for providing healthcare professionals working in paediatrics with educational resources and programs. This platform is managed by The Education Hub, but the courses on this site have been developed by various teams from the Melbourne Children's Campus.   

To manage your learning, click on the My courses tab above. To browse a list of all our courses and podcasts, select Course Library. You will also find a list of our ten newest courses below.   

If you require assistance or would like to provide feedback please contact us at education.hub@rch.org.au. 

A note for parents

This site has been purpose-built for health professionals and their continuing professional development.  If you are looking for quality, up-to-date health information for your child, please visit the Royal Children's Hospital Kids Health Info.

    Featured courses

    Adolescent Health Education 2025

    The Centre for Adolescent Health and The Education Hub at The Royal Children's Hospital are excited to bring health professionals a day of education from experts to assist with providing health care for young people.

    This program is being recorded and recording will be available for 90 days.

    Date: Thursday,29th May 2025

    Time: 8.30am to 4.00pm

    Where: Ella Latham Auditorium, Ground Floor, Royal Children's Hospital.

    Intended audience: All Health Professionals

    Course outline:

    • Medically Unexplained Symptoms and Somatisation
    • Functional Neurological Disorders
    • Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
    • Working collaboratively with adolescents to improve their care experience and health outcomes
    • The bigger picture - health of the world’s adolescents
    • Approach to Substance Use in Young People
    • Medication Prescribing for Anxiety and Depression
    • Affirmative consent 


    Onsite: $200 + GST (enrolment closes on Tue 27th May @12noon)

    Virtual: $150 + GST (enrolment closes on Wed 28th May @12noon)

    CPD Points: 7.5 hours of education activities towards your CPD log. 

    Important: After enrolling in this course, you will receive email communications, please check your Junk/Spam folder. 

    Mode of delivery: Onsite & Virtual

    Contact: education.hub@rch.org.au

    Refund eligibility: Eligible within a given time period as specified in section 8.2 of our Terms of Use

    Course administrator: Emma King

    Course administrator: Emma King

    Advanced Paediatric Perioperative Skills Day 2025

    About:The Advanced Paediatric Perioperative Skills Day on the 16th May 2025 will provide practical education directed to and relevant for experienced Perioperative Nurses seeking to improve their Paediatric skills.

    Includes: A mixture of lecture and workshop/skill station based interactive education following topics;

    • Anaphylaxis in the Perioperative Environment
    • Anaesthesia Emergencies
    • Is it partial or complete? Laryngospasm Case Studies
    • Pain Management and Assessment.
    • Pre-op, Lets get the child ready together.

    Intended audience: Perioperative Nurses   

    Date: Friday 16th May, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

    Where: Royal Children's Hospital, Vernon Collins Theatre, HELP, Level 1. 

    Cost: $270 (incl GST). Includes morning tea, lunch, and complimentary parking at RCH. 

    CPD Points: 7 hours. Self- record number of hours attended as CPD activity. 

    Mode of delivery: Face to face. This day will not be available online or recorded.   

    Contact: education.hub@rch.org.au  

    Refund eligibility: Eligible within a given time period as specified in section 8.2 of our Terms of Use.

    Introduction to Paediatric PACU and Anaesthetics 2025

    About: This course will be delivered onsite at The Royal Children's Hospital on Saturday 10th May 2025. Morning tea, lunch and parking will be provided. 

    This program is onsite only and will not be recorded

    Course outline:

      • Paediatric Anaesthesia
      • Preparing a child for theatre
      • Paediatric Fasting
      • The unexpected airway
      • Emergence Delirium

    Date: Saturday, 10th May 2025 from 9am to 3.30pm (enrolments close on Thursday,8th May at 10am)

    Where: Ella Latham Auditorium, Ground Floor, Royal Children's Hospital

    Intended audience: Perioperative Nurses, Anaesthesia and PACU nurses with limited paediatric experience

    Cost: $220 including GST to access all course materials, certificate, onsite parking and catering

    CPD Points: 6 hours of education activities towards your CPD log. 

    Important: After enrolling in this course, you will receive email communications, please check your Junk/Spam folder. 

    Mode of delivery: Onsite

    Contact: education.hub@rch.org.au

    Refund eligibility: Eligible within a given time period as specified in section 8.2 of our Terms of Use

    Clinical Hypnotherapy in Acute Care: Everyday Strategies

    About: The Education Hub at RCH invites health professionals to explore the exciting world of clinical hypnotherapy—a powerful, evidence-based tool that enhances patient care in acute settings.Ever wondered how hypnosis works? Or how simple language shifts can reduce pain, anxiety, and distress in your patients?

    Join Dr. Anna Englin (Paediatric Anaesthetist) and Dr. Amanda Stock (Paediatric Emergency Physician) for a two-part workshop designed to give you practical skills you can apply immediately in your clinical practice.

    This program is being recorded and recording will be available for 90 days.

    Note: If not joining us live on 4th June, please watch the recording before 2nd workshop on 25th June

    Date: Wednesday 4th June & Wednesday 25th June

    Time: 1pm to 3pm

    Where: Virtual via Zoom

    Intended audience: All health professionals

    Cost: $60 incl GST for both workshops

    CPD points: 4 hours of education activities towards your CPD log. 

    Contact: education.hub@rch.org.au

    Refund eligibility: Eligible within a given time period as specified in section 8.2 of our Terms of Use

    Course administrator: Amanda Stock

    Course administrator: amanda stock

    Unit 2: Certificate in Paediatric Nutrition & Dietetics

    About: The Department of Nutrition and Food Services at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne began a Certificate in Paediatric Nutrition and Dietetics in 1997. This highly regarded course is exclusively for qualified dietitians, with the course content targeted to meet the training needs and learning outcomes for Paediatric Dietitians.

     Unit 2: Clinical Paediatric Dietetics

    On successful completion of this unit participants will:

    - Be competent in the nutritional and dietary assessment of infants, children and adolescents with a range of acute and chronic diseases.

    - Have a detailed understanding of nutritional management and dietary therapy in children with acute and chronic diseases.

    - Be able to plan, implement and evaluate nutritional interventions, including dietary manipulation and artificial nutrition support measures.

    - Understand and apply current research findings to the care of paediatric patients.

    Intended audience:  All clinical roles

    Entry criteria: University entry criteria apply. Candidates must hold a graduate or postgraduate qualification in Dietetics. Successful completion of Unit 1 is required to proceed to Unit 2. However, Dietitians with 3+ years of experience in paediatric dietetics may apply to complete Unit 2 only if preferred.

    Evidence of qualifications and paediatric experience (if applicable) must be provided at time of registration via email to: nutrition.education@rch.org.au if you haven't previously participated in Unit 1.

    Date & time: 12th-15th May 2025 ( 8.30am to 4.30pm)

    Cost:  $1100 + $110 GST ($1210 total)

    More information: https://www.rch.org.au/nutrition/education/

    Mode of delivery: Face to face

    Location: Ella Latham Lecture Theatre,  The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne

    Contact hours: 24 contact hours + additional non-contact hours required to complete assessment tasks

    Refund eligibility:  Eligible within a given time period as specified in section 8.2 of our Terms of Use.

    Contact: For any queries please contact: nutrition.education@rch.org.au 


    Course administrator: Sophie King, Mary McPherson, Bianca Sowerby

    Child Development, Behaviour and Mental Health Paediatric Professional Education Series

    About:The Child Development, Behaviour and Mental Health Series includes six lectures from May to November 2025. A revamping of the previous annual ‘Practical Skills in Developmental-Behavioural Paediatrics’ for Community Paediaticians.  Each lecture will provide participants with evidence-based information and practical tools and tips to support their clinical work with children and young people. 

    Includes: Six webinar topics given by experts in their field on the following topics.

    ·       School Success: Health, Wellbeing, and Learning Foundations.

    ·       Developmental Assessment

    ·       Relational Practice

    ·       Practical Tips for Supporting Neurodiverse Children

    ·       Pharmacological management

    ·       Behavioural Strategies for better sleep

    ·       Trauma-Informed Practice Applications

    ·       Non-pharmacological management

    Intended audience: Developmental-Behavioural Paediatricians, GPs, Allied Health     

    Dates: May 9, 12pm-1:30pm; June 27,12pm-1:30pm; August 1, 12pm-1:30pm; October 10, 12pm-1:30pm; November 21, 9am-12:15pm; November 28, 9am-12:15pm

    Where: Zoom Webinar 

    Cost: $330 (incl GST). Includes access to live attendance, previous lectures, slides, and supplementary materials.

    CPD Points: Self reported

    Mode of delivery: Zoom webinar   

    Contact: education.hub@rch.org.au  

    Refund eligibility: Eligible within a given time period as specified in section 8.2 of our Terms of Use.

    Course administrator: Melissa Hirst

    Paediatric Health Education MCHN 2025-26

    About:The Royal Children’s Hospital Education Hub is excited to bring you the third year of Maternal Child Health Nurse Paediatric Health Education Program. It will connect you with clinicians from the RCH and fellow MCHNs. There is up to date and relevant education on paediatric health issues from experts in the field. The program has shown to improve MCH knowledge, confidence, clinical practice and patient outcomes, filled an educational void, empowered both individuals and families and fostered connections between colleagues and RCH experts.  

    Includes: Join us for monthly interactive live (and recorded) webinars with expert presenters, ongoing engagement in online community of practice forums and access to relevant resources. 

    Intended audience: Maternal and Child Health Nurses (including MCH students). 

    Cost:  $150 + GST to access all course materials from 1 July 2025 until 30th September 2026 

    CPD Points: Self- record number of hours attended as CPD activity 

    Mode of delivery: Virtual 

    Contact: education.hub@rch.org.au 

    Course expiry date: 1 July 2026 

    Refund eligibility: Eligible within a given time period as specified in section 8.2 of our Terms of Use 

    Course administrator: Emma King

    Paediatric Health Education MCHN 2024-25

     ***Rescheduled: 17th Oct MCHN webinar "All about Eczema" to Thursday 5th December at 08:30-09:15***

    About: This online education program based on a Community of Practice, is designed specifically for Maternal and Child Health Nurses.

    Includes: Monthly interactive webinars, recordings available, online chat forum, resources and feedback to support your practice in early child health and development.

    Intended audience: Maternal and Child Health Nurses (including students), Community Nurses and Allied Health Professionals with an interest.

    Cost: $100 + GST to access all course materials from 1 July 2024 until 31 July 2025

    CPD Points: Self- record number of hours attended as CPD activity

    Mode of delivery: Virtual

    Contact: education.hub@rch.org.au

    Course expiry date: 31 July 2025

    Refund eligibility: Eligible within a given time period as specified in section 8.2 of our Terms of Use

    Course administrator: Emma King

    Interprofessional Paediatric Webinar Series: Oral Health in Children

    About: This webinar series is part of Education Hub Outreach Program, designed specifically to connect RCH with clinicians in regional areas and community practice.

    Sessions will be recorded.

    Includes: Webinars schedule, Zoom link, recordings, online chat forum, resources and feedback to support your practice.

    Intended audience: Allied health professionals in regional areas and community practice.

    Cost: Free

    CPD Points: Self- record number of hours attended as CPD activity

    Mode of delivery: Virtual

    Contact: education.hub@rch.org.au

    Victorian Paediatric Trauma Management

    This online learning package has been designed by the Trauma Service at the Royal Children’s Hospital, to support the learning of health professionals throughout Victoria who are involved in the reception and immediate care of injured children.

    It is expected that those who are attending face-to-face Outreach programs facilitated by the RCH Trauma Service will complete this learning package in full prior to attending.

    Intended audience: Nurses, Doctors and Paramedics working in Victoria involved in the care of children with major injuries.

    The content of this resource is based on the systems that operate in Victoria, Australia. Learners outside Victoria are welcome to undertake the learning, however, please be aware of the differences to practice and policies relevant to other jurisdictions. 

    Cost: Free

    CPD Points: N/A

    Important: After enrolling in this course, you will receive email communications, please check your Junk/Spam folder. 

    Mode of delivery: Online

    Contact: trauma.service@rch.org.au

    Course administrators: Natalie Constantin, Ari Woodward, and Helen Jowett