Providing Healthcare to Trans and Gender Diverse Young People in Primary Care - A Practical Workshop
About: The RCH Gender Service is holding a free practical training day for upskilling clinicians to provide holistic medical care for trans and gender diverse young people.
Intended audience:
- General Practitioners
- Psychologists
- Paediatricians
- Psychiatrists
Opened by:
- Todd Fernando – Commissioner for LGBTIQ+ Communities
- Speakers include:
- Specialist Clinicians from RCH Gender Service
- General Practitioners with LGBTIQ+ Expertise
- Transgender Young People
- Transgender Victoria
- Transcend Australia
Date and time: Friday July 29th 2022, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Location: Ella Latham Auditorium at the Royal Children’s Hospital
Mode of delivery: Face-to-face, online and recorded
Contact: or 9345 9545
This is an all-inclusive event